cancellation Policy
All riders/clients please be aware of the following that apply for coaching, training, clinics and any other services provided by Marcel Loeb Equestrian:
1. If the rider/client needs to cancel a lesson/ training session/ service for ANY reason on the day it is scheduled they agree to pay 100% of the fee/ quote
2. If the rider/client needs to cancel a lesson/ training session/ service for ANY reason the day before it is scheduled they agree to pay 50% of the fee/ quote
3. If the rider/client needs to cancel a lesson/ training session/ service for ANY reason two days before it is scheduled they agree to pay 25% of the fee/ quote
4. If the weather is wet/ rainy ‘Marcel Loeb Equestrian’ will determine if the conditi suitable for the lesson/ training session/ service to go ahead. If ‘Marcel Loeb Equestrian’ cancels the lesson due to wet/ rainy weather there will be no fee, otherwise the above policies still apply
5. If the weather is 32 degrees or above during the scheduled time of the lesson/training session/service, as determined on the day, and no indoor arena is available the client/ rider has the option to cancel with no fee
6. If the weather is 35 degrees or above during the scheduled time of the lesson/training session/ service, as determined on the day, even if an indoor arena is available the client/ rider has the option to cancel with no fee
7. If the client/ rider needs to cancel a clinic that has been paid in full for any reason there will be no refund. ‘Marcel Loeb Equestrian’ will determine if the clinic needs to be cancelled due to weather conditions or the clinic needs to be adapted. If ‘Marcel Loeb Equestrian’ is required to cancel the clinic the client/ rider will be refunded in full